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Our Contract for 2020-2022 

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Office of Health Facility Complaints-
Consumers of health care services have a responsibility to promote the highest quality of care. If you witness a suspected violation of health department regulations, patient and residents' rights or the MN Vulnerable Adults Protection Act (physical or mental abuse, neglect, or unexplained injury) call the Office of Health Facility Complaints (OHFC) during working hours at 1-800-369-7994 . Contact the following link
MN Department of Health-Complaints

Obtain information about how to submit a complaint about a nurse and the disciplinary process  Please follow the following link
Board of Nursing-Minnesota

A report that describes the practice or behavior of a nurse which may be a violation of a law or rule is called a complaint.  The process used to investigate and act on a complaint varies with consideration of: jurisdiction, seriousness, and timeliness. Please follow the following link
Board of Nursing-Minnesota